Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Re-Discover-Mustang Power!!!

I live on top of the world, in the land of frozen lakes, and breathtaking fall; where leaves change its color to fiery red; in the heart of america "Michigan." In my gorgeous land when spring finally comes to save me from a perpetual winter the world comes to life again..

And i remember what it is I'm here for. I'm the only daughter, and i am a true "daddy's girl".
Riding horses has been my passion since early childhood, i love to watch these enormously beautiful species rediscover the world, i can see in them an expression of my own restless spirit. Charged with an appetite for adventure they take to the land without hesitation. They are pure power. when i see them running wild and free i often think of the first horse in the herd and how they were the true pioneers of America.

The history of the west was written by the horse, whereever men left their footprints, hoofprints were beside it. When settlers came to west they could not tame the wildness of the mustang and called them parasites, they couldnt domesticate them so they destroyed them.

Sometimes when a light disappears afterimage remains just for a moment, and horses are the afterimage of West. Lucky for us few mustang have survived we need to protect them, they are the few promises that are surviving for America...

There is a force in this world that lives beneath the surface something that is primitive and wild that awakens when you need an extra push just to survive like wild flowers that bloom after the fire turns the forest black. Most people are afraid of it and keep it buried deep inside themselves. But there will be always few people that will have the courage to love what is untamed inside us. one of those men is my "FATHER".

Everyone is searching for something, they are restless and unsettled all they are looking to feel how i feel when i am in my father's arm and riding my horse "FREE"

Thats the passion i have for my father and horses, and to continue i stay close to them as heart beat to the heart re-discover ME!!!




Sachin said...

Very deeep!! ~Sachin

Sweta Gupta said...

It's more or less the story of my life