Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Moments that Mattered...................

In today's busy cut throat life, how many times do we sit-back and enjoy the moments that matters to us.

Recently I met a very successful women, she is a CEO of one of the consumer products division in America. She has one of the highest number of fan followers in my opinion, because she is so inspirational and human. I use the word human because in this rat race of life we all have become robotic clones.

She shared a presentation with us that talked about the moments that mattered to her most. She said that though she is a CEO she is an individual first and she has never forgotten to enjoy the moments that mattered to her. She said one can not have it all but they can have what matters to them the most. This truly inspired me, because as a working individual I would always think how can these successful people be happy and HAVE it all. The truth is they don't have it all, they just enjoy what matters to them and work it around.

That 30 mins of presentation inspired me and the concept got so deep rooted that I right away became her true fan. I think she now has a million and one fan follower :). This made me think the moments that mattered to me most and have I enjoyed them. The truth is I have been trying to get it all. So for last 3 days I have made sure that I do things and be the moment that matters to me the most; such as spending time with family, giving back to the community, my work and hanging with friends. These have now become myfour virtual babes that are most important to me.

She inspired me to the think the moments that mattered to me. Hope you can do the same :)

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